Just a little something I penned. I hope u like.
Of all the hundreds of poems, songs, stories, etc. that I've written I probably still find 'The Panther' one of my personal favorites.
I don't know why. Just do. Actually, this is part of a series of three works that chronicle the three phases of adolescence relative to coming of age and coming out. In total, they deal with the process of one's coming to terms with one's sexuality... and... their homosexuality
To start, PART II followed by the original. Then the lyrics to the accompaniment... 'I love you so Insatiable'
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) THE ENCOUNTER------- )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) He circled me, warily, steathily, his power SO obvious ... underneath his stride.
I felt him, and felt warmed under that unrelenting gaze Amazing... The power in those awesome eyes... and then to my surprise he came right up next to me while his eyes, never straying stayed focused on mine.
I felt my heart climb up into my throat. NOTE to self: What does he want with me? To what purpose is he here for. WHY? I felt a cry, deep down inside me... somewhere Terror perhaps, and/or fear? And yet...a sense of intrigue I am sure.
Mystique, in that boi... I could tell it was not a ploy, but the real thing.
Like a coiled spring he continued his incessant striding, almost as if riding herd on me. I can see, and FEEL his gaze. His unstoppable look, as I remember thinking to myself.
Then suddenly I saw him crook his neck AS IF to beckon me. I was fascinated as I felt myself drawn to him...and so I went without hesitation for down deep inside where I usually hide, I had already felt him drawing me up. My cup of excitement already starting to overflow and I know
my heart had stopped retreating. He, repeating his circling of me soundlessly, with only the sound of two hearts beating able to be heard above the roar I could hear coming from deep inside.
THERE was...SILENCE except for that.
to a level I NEVER knew I could be and in an odd way... altho surrounded by this panther of a dude I felt more free than I EVER had before. I felt like a hunk of meat... hanging, swinging, vulnerable before a wild carnivore... and what's more, I was POWERLESS to resist his advance Could I survive this..? Could I escape? Could I run FAST enuf, FAR enuf, to outrun him? A chance I would have to take. YES!
MAKE A BREAK FOR IT! AND...yet... my feet seemed disinclined to go My courage was refusing to flow.
OH, how did he know it would be like this? Suddenly, I felt his kiss on my lips I had been so caught up in thought I hadnt even felt his closeness and yet, now it was ALL I COULD...feel. I felt myself REEL under his staggering appeal I COULD FEEL again how long it had been since I had known that much emotion The notion that I ever could had never even crossed my mind.
Suddenly, everything is fine. Yes...he isn't a wild animal at all but merely a boi JOY the sweetest boi I have ever known. He has shown me the way, made my day and my life, has taken my internal strife and washed it all completely away He has come to stay and I may finally know true love again. when, how, why???? who knows or cares...and THIS TIME, it won't be the ludicrously incessantly crudely and too quickly over... puppy stuff of my recent but suddenly absent youth.
as long as he shares his life and love with me MY PANTHER my love sleek, lithe, full of life and humor and fun and quirks and kinks I thinks I want to keep him. Keep him close. Put my nose and my lips and my chest up against his and stay there locked in his arms forever NEVER to part. Be still my heart for now. For now, I know the love of MY Panther and it is the BEST love in the whole wide world swirled in time boi, so fine panther love. Shove me in his direction make my correction and mark me sold and delivered I shivered when I first saw him and shivering I am still.,. Will he stay? And play? Evey day?
Forever? Oh please,boi...seize me in your grasp and keep me held tight for as long as there is time. Ill climb you like a tree and never leaf. Hehe ADDENDUM... Dustybear..09/08/03... AND NOW! The original piece..THE PANTHER #1
Like A Panther your love came sleek, powerful, overpowering showering me with a rampant kiss urgent bliss deep promise solace protective love forever walking beside my faint heart I start to dream again to believe the impossible no trouble for you for you see
You see through my masquerade rip away the mask TEAR to shreds my indiscriminate fear dear
you are to me now In silence you take my hand, grasp my love between the teeth of your emotion throwing caution to the wind no more do I fend for myself for I have YOU and our love now overshadows my shadows follows my fear & strips me of it to fit your love deep inside & replace my empty mindless life with your sweet kiss SO powerful in its continuation, its culmination its emotion the notion that I could EVER live without it now G O N E! Gone, like a forlorn hope distilled into a blended vodka warm in its consummation gentle kickstart to my heart You stalk my path take the wrath of my loneliness & give me a loving hug you surround me like a rug . inject me like a drug of power you shower me with your deep passion mashing my former life beneath the hoofs of your sleek body
SHODDY now every other dude seems and there are reams I could write about you, your love, your touch YOU are my future, my hope my dream SLEEK..it would seem. Strong.
I belong to you now How could I ever live without you through the years
Torture would become my only friend without your love, when would I die Immediate. Swift. Sure.
No cure for the disease that being without my boi here would be Lonely dead me forever more I implore you to come take my life, love, hand & heart never to depart andsave me from the endless searing pain that would be my life again without you so blue without you no you no me for without you to adore, THERE WOULD BE NO MORE no more no more no more!
Like a beach without a shore like a musical without a score like a conflict without a war like a shopping district without a store without you... THERE WOULD BE... no point no more no more!  0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Something ugly this way comes Through my fingers sliding inside All these blessings all these burns I'm Godless underneath your cover Search for pleasure search for pain In this world now i am undying And From the flame, my nation helpless
Black black heart Why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me, to satisfy I'm on fire Im rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds
As i begin to lose my grip On these realities your sending Taste your mind and taste your sex I'm naked underneath your cover Covers lie and we will bend and borrow With the coming sign The tide will take the sea will rise and time will (rape)
Black black heart Why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me, to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds
Black black heart Why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me, to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds
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